GoGoMini - Simple Software For Controlling gorecord

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GoGoMini in action!

GoGoMini is a very simple front-end for gorecord, a program that enables you record video/audio from devices supported by the WIS-Go7007 Linux driver.


Because who honestly wants to set up mythtv just to be able to record video? For me, writing my own software was the only graphical, viable alternative. Plus I got to learn Python!

What does it do?

As is stated in the title, this software (for the time being) is a very simple solution so it doesn't do too much.
For now you can:

  • Set the duration of the recording
  • Set the bitrate to record at
  • Set a delay before it starts recording
  • Choose the default save directory for all your recordings
  • Choose the input to record from
  • Supports long recordings

Other settings can be changed in the configuration file (~/gogo-mini/settings) or you'll have to edit the source (don't be afraid, it's simple enough).


  • A copy of gorecord from a patched version of the WIS Go7007 driver. I've prepared a driver that seems to work fine on early 2007 versions of the Fedora and Ubuntu kernels with full install instructions at the following page: WIS Go7007 Linux driver
  • Python, Pygtk and Python-libglade (should be included with most distros)


Latest source: gogo-mini-1.2.tar.bz2

Installation instructions for version 1.2
Installation instructions for version 1.1